Applications are open for the MSc in Humanitarian Studies

Offered by the Fordham University Graduate School of Arts and Science and housed within The Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs at Fordham University offers a 30-credit Master of Science in Humanitarian Studies (MSHS) to educate the next generation of humanitarian professionals.

The MSHS is an innovative graduate program dedicated exclusively to international humanitarian response. Students can choose a concentration in one of three areas: Human Rights, Communities and Capacity Building, or Livelihoods and Institutions.

The program combines theoretical analysis with practical instruction by faculty with years of experience as humanitarian professionals.

The MSHS enriches coursework through immersive internships, locally in New York City, or abroad, and independent study opportunities.

Course requirements include five core classes (Fundamentals of Humanitarian Action, Contemporary Issues in Humanitarian Action, Information Management, Humanitarian Resource Management & Administration, Monitoring & Evaluation in Humanitarian Response), and four electives, which students take within three concentrations of Human Rights; Livelihoods and Institutes; and Community and Capacity Building.

Upon completion, graduates will have the preparation necessary to enter the workforce as trained professionals able to fulfill the current demand for early-career humanitarians with both in-depth knowledge of specific humanitarian responses and a comprehensive understanding of the field.

The MSHS, as part of the IIHA, introduces students to the vast network of humanitarian professionals, educators, and alumni cultivated during its 20 year tenure. Similarly, Fordham University offers unique opportunities for humanitarian students, given its extensive partnerships with other academic institutions and international humanitarian organizations.

Evening classes are available for working professionals and as accommodation for internship schedules.

Rolling admissions begins April 6th. For more information on the program, costs and application procedure, email, and visit our official website. Applications are due August 14th.